In this study, the relationship between website owners having invested in SEO and PPC respectively is investigated and reported.
The design used in this research was based on an empirical field experimental approach. The authors investigated the implementation of both SEO and PPC, and compared the results.
It was founds that website owners seldom invest in PPC as part of a SEM marketing campaign. This seemed to confirm some of the findings by other authors. Only SEO and PPC were considered, as they are by far the most used search engine marketing techniques. Possible future research could include investigating other search engines' PPC systems - Yahoo!, for example. This research has important implications for SEO and PPC practitioners, and for website owners. It should influence the way budgets on search engine marketing are applied. No evidence could be found that this kind of empirical research has been done, hence the results are considered to be unique.
Kritzinger, W.T. & Weideman, M. 2013. Search engine optimization and pay per click marketing strategies. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 23(3), June. [Online], Available: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/8J6d5n6JunnzEyTID9Nn/full#.Uezq343-GSo